
Today I will talk about the world's most interesting thing by virtue of which we are living at this such a high standard.
All techonolgy, expansion and development which we are seeing today are only made possible because of the human mind.


Today I will be discussing about the mind. Mind and brain are two different things.

Brain (दिमाग) is an organ of the human body which can be seen, feel & touch.

MIND (मन) can't be seen or touch, it doesn't have any existence in the human body but still, we can feel and notice its presence. We human are so developed only because of mind.


There are three states of our mind namely:




Let's see all of these in detail.


It is only active when we are in a waking state and controls every action we are doing at that particular time. let's understand this through an example: At this time you are reading my blog, now at this moment your conscious mind is controlling all these activities.
The conscious mind represents only 10 per cent of the human brain. we can only remember 7 items in our conscious mind (it can be +/- 2) at a time. Hence conscious mind therefore ever processes a maximum of 9 items.
The conscious mind is the storage place of all your memories, emotion and habits.


It is a part of our mind where our past memories are stored.
These memories can be taken into the conscious mind intentionally.
Let's understand this with an example: if I ask you what did you eat at breakfast yesterday, you will think and then give an answer. At this very moment, you are recovering information from your subconscious mind into your conscious mind.
The place from where you collect information about the activities of the past is the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is subjective. It does not think or work independently, it works according to the orders given by a conscious mind.


Your subconscious mind has a haemostatic impulse. It keeps your body temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Through ANS (Autonomic nervous system) it forms control and coordination between hundreds of chemicals/hormones and millions of cell in your body.


All your habits of thinking and acting are stored in your subconscious mind. It has memorized all your favourite activities and comfort zone. It always forces you to stay in your comfort zone.

It always makes you emotionally and physically uncomfortable when you try something new or add a new activity into your routine. Hence it opposes a good change also.

It always pulls you back to your comfort zone and will never let you succeed in life if you do not have control over it.


All the activities which we did in past and which we do not remember and can't bring into our conscious mind are stored in the unconscious mind. Let's understand this with an example:
Tell me what you wore on your 2nd birthday. You can't tell, you know that definitely, you wore something on that day but what exactly? You don't know.
This memory is stored in your unconscious mind.

Sometimes through dreams, some of the memories from the unconscious mind can come to the layer of your conscious mind.

Through hypnosis, we can remember every single memory which is stored in the unconscious mind.

The miracle which we ever heard about are the outcomes of someone's power of the unconscious mind.
The unconscious mind is very powerful but it is very hard to control it.

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WHAT ARE THE VARIOUS STATE OF MIND WHAT ARE THE VARIOUS STATE OF MIND Reviewed by Vansh Khoshya on September 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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