Physical fitness 5 components
Physical fitness is the most important thing which everyone wants today. Everyone wants to be physically fit so, in this article I will tell you about five major components of physical fitness. We all know that physical fitness is essential but how can we identify whether we are fit or not. We think that a person having 6 pack abs or 8 pack abs or a person with big biceps or triceps is fit but fitness cannot be judged on these. The components on the basis of which we can judge fitness are:


Physical fitness 5 components
Endurance is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from and have immunity to trauma, wound and fatigue.
Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart to provide oxygen to muscles during physical activity for a prolonged period of time. 


  • It is the most important aspect of fitness it basically represents how strong your heart is, which if good then can add years to your life span. The heart is the most important organ in the human body and if it is healthy then you can resist many severe health problems.
  • Another reason that cardiovascular endurance is essential is that your heart controls the oxygen flow to all the muscles of your body and at the time of workout your muscles need more oxygen which only can be transported if you have a healthy heart.
  • Cardiovascular endurance is directly related to stamina. If you need high stamina you should have a high cardiovascular endurance.


Cardiovascular endurance can be increased by the following things:

1. HEALTHY DIET- A diet with appropriate fats, carbohydrates and proteins is very essential.

2. EXERCISES- Doing regular exercises will increase heart strength and eventually it will increase your cardiovascular endurance.


Physical fitness 5 components
Muscular endurance refers to the ability of skeletal muscles to repeatedly or statically contract or exert a submaximal force over an extended period of time.


  • Muscular endurance is a key component of physical fitness. Muscular endurance is associated with improved quality of life and with many health benefits especially those associated with strong muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments.
  • Muscular endurance is very beneficial for athletes in their chosen sport. Also, it is very beneficial for non-athletes by making their work and everyday activities easier and decreases the risk of injuries.
  • Muscular endurance strengthens muscles. Muscular endurance is closely associated with muscular strength.


Likewise, another factor muscular endurance can also be increased by exercises. There are different exercise to increase muscular endurance you can check those out from the internet.

The exercises which increase muscular endurance will also increase muscular strength but these will not increase muscular strength as much as muscular strength exercises increase.


Physical fitness 5 components

Muscular strength is the ability to exert force against a resistance enabling you to push, move or lift objects. Greater muscular strength means we can lift, push or pull more.


1. Strength is not purely for athletes, but for everyone. 

2. Muscular strength makes performing the daily task easy even standing up requires muscular strength.

3. Muscular strength reduces the chances of muscular injuries. The more the muscle is strong the less the chance of injury.


  • Make the joints stronger.
  • Make ligaments and tendons stronger.
  • Decrease the risk of obesity.
  • Better body posture and composition.
  • Reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


1. WORKOUT- If you want to strengthen a particular muscle. you must start it training by using some sort of resistance on it like doumbles for biceps.

2. DIET- To make muscles strong you must fuel them so you have to take a proper diet for muscles.

3. REST- It is vital to take time out to allow the body to heal and grow. Avoid training the muscles on consecutive days.


Physical fitness 5 components
Flexibility is the safe range of motion in your joints before your body gets prone to injury. It is the ability of your muscles to stretch in order to Induce a full movement.


  • BODY BALANCE- Your body will be more balanced if you are flexible enough.
  • BODY POSTURE- A good body posture is very essential thus it can be maintained by a flexible body.
  • INJURY PREVENTION- The more flexible the plant is the less the chances of breakage similarly if our body is more flexible the chances of injury will also be less.
  • While exercising flexibility allows you to perform an exercise over its full range of motion thus you can get the full benefit of that exercise.
  • Allows athletes to perform complex sport-specific actions without injury.


  • Improving is a work of patience, you have to do consistent workout for months or even for years.
  • Flexibility is hereditary and hence every person have a different level of flexibility.
  • Stretching and yoga are very effective in increasing flexibility.


Physical fitness 5 components

Body composition is used to access health-related fitness Body composition describes what part of the body is consists of fat and what part is fat-free. The fat-free body part includes bones and muscles.
However, some amount of fat is essential for the body but if it increases beyond a limit then it is not good and the person will become unfit.


  • It ensures an appropriate weight according to a particular height.
  • The weight and height of a person are interrelated.
  • It may not be perfectly accurate but gives an approximation of your fitness.
  • Its standards are different according to age and gender.


  • The extra fat in our body can make us overweight or obese.
  • Obese people are not physically fit and are more prone to diseases.
  • Low level of body fat is also harmful and cause diseases.

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PHYSICAL FITNESS 5 COMPONENTS PHYSICAL FITNESS 5 COMPONENTS Reviewed by Vansh Khoshya on October 20, 2019 Rating: 5
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